Monday, February 4, 2008

Biology (Lower Organisms)

You will choose one of a list of lower organisms and will be required to research and post the following information:
1) Explain how your organism performs any 4 of the life systems
2) Choose 1 of the life systems and explain how it is similar to the way humans perform the same life system
3)At least one photo of your organisms
4) Additional (interesting) information
After researching the information above, you will be required to post it on its own page either in the class wiki (Period 3, Period 5)or create a link from the class wiki to your own personal wiki.
Once all information is posted, you will visit and read about other organisms and "ask" a question (under the discussion tab) to the researcher. These questions should then be answered by the researcher.

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I looked and saidthat wasnt exactly what I had said to write. Ziggy took the packed cake and walked down the aislewith Stephanie lagging behind him in deep thought.