Friday, October 10, 2008

Ex Phys: Nutrition Review

Exam Tuesday:

What is the form of glucose stored in the body and where is it stored?
In what form are lipids transported in the blood?
Why are dietary supplements for amino acids generally not recommended?
LDL and HDL role in cholesterol levels
Benefits of antioxidants in your diet
Benefits to you/an athlete of having knowledge on the following: HF corn syrup, fiber, glycemic index, tans fatRole of vitamins and minerals in general metabolism

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ex Phys: cholesterol

The following is a link to videos related to cholesterol. You are to create a movie (Moviemaker) about the role of lipoproteins in your body (see below). If you need further information on how to use MovieMaker, the following provides video tutorials.
1.Ingest foods high in cholesterol
2.Cholesterol absorbed by the small intestine, and enters the bloodstream
3.Cholesterol absorbed from small intestine into liver
4.Cholesterol combines with triglycerides to form VLDL.
5.VLDL is broken down into LDL
6.LDL exits the liver and enter bloodstream for delivery to peripheral tissues
7.Plaque formed on the inside walls of arteries
8.HDL (already in bloodstream) removes excess cholesterol from arterial walls
9.HDL releases cholesterol back to the liver
10.Bile is released and excess cholesterol is either 1) eliminated in feces or 2) reabsorbed in your bloodstream

Biology: cells

four-square cell handout due wed.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Biology: Cells

The following video shows a lot of things that occur in your cells (choose [HIGH] to view)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Biology: Enzymes

Go to the following site or this site or...this site and use the activities to help you fill in the four-square handout sheet (Title: Enzymes).

Friday, September 5, 2008


Research was exactly biology is. Locate at least 10 different websites that explain what things you may be learning about this year. In your blog, create a post that summarizes the websites and in your own words describes what Biology is. Remember, whenever you get information from a webpage, link that information from your text to the website source (just as I did above with "blog"). After you have written a couple of paragraphs on Biology, find a "royalty-free" website that allows you to save and post pictures. Post a few pictures that represent what Biology in the same post.


After you have created your blog, research what exactly exercise physiology/exercise science really is. Post an explanation in your blog that includes text and at least one picture (make sure it's from a royalty-free site!). Log onto the class website and link your name to your blog (sign in is nwbiology, nwfalcons and the site is mrcernyexphys2...)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Do you know this stuff?

What do you think?

Watch the video below and post a comment, ANY comment you have, by clicking "comment." Please comment using "anonomyous" user

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Review (Biology/Living Environment)

The following link provides past exams and answers to past exams

The following are school sites that contain review material:
Webster, NY
Pearson tutorials
Regents Live! media download
Labs that will be on exam (Part D)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Biology (Human Evolution)

Go to the following site and after clicking on "Launch the documentary", watch the prologue, and explore the rest of the site including the evidence, anatomy, lineages (good documentary), and culture.

The following site is a short article entitled "Gnashers at work" which explains a new human fossil discovery

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Biology (genetic engineering)

From the following website (signin:mrcerny, pass.:falcons), watch a few of the video clips and go to a few of the websites on genetic engineering.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Biology (protein synthesis)

Go to the following sites and go through the animations on protein synthesis:
Lewport site
Wisconsin site
After going through both, post a comment about which site you think explained protein synthesis better, provide at least 2 specific examples to support your opinion.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Biology (karyotype lab)

Go the following website. Read and summarize the Introduction (first three paragraphs up to "Your Assignment") and answer all questions for each of the three patients.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ex Phys (CV exam tues)

Study questions:
•What are the major purposes of the CV sys.
•Outline the design and blood flow of the heart and throughout body. Why is it often called “two pumps in one?”
•Outline the cardiac cycle and the associated electrical activity recorded via the electrocardiogram
•Significance of the SA node (rest & exercise)
•Explain BP and why it is something that is measured
•What factors determine blood flow during exercise?
•Explain immediate and long-term effects of training on the CV system

Monday, March 10, 2008

Biology (fetal development)

Each student will be assigned a time period during fetal development and will post the following information in their class wiki (period 3 & period 5):
  • Picture(s) of fetus (include source)
  • Explanation as to what organs/body systems are developed
  • Approximate size
  • Other information

Monday, February 25, 2008

Nervous System: Recent Research

Choose one, research it, and post a summary (with links to actual article(s))on the class wiki:
1.Quest for a Super Kid
Can I Grow a New Brain?
Anti-Wrinkle Drugs Linked to Deaths
A Drug to End Drug Addiction
Tiny Nerves Rewire Themselves
6.Amputees 'Feel' Lost Limbs
1 2
7.Sleeping, Dreaming, and Nerves
1 2
How Nerves Allow us to Think
9.A Cure for Alzheimer’s?
1 2 3
10.Cure for the Paralyzed
1 2 3 4
Mirror Neurons: The Research
12.Exercise Makes you Smarter
1 2
13.ALS/Lou Gehrig’s Disease
1 2
How the Brain Rewires Itself
15.Babies and their Nerves
1 2 3
1 2
1 2 3
Rewiring the Sense of Touch
20.Adult Neural Stem Cells 1 2
21.Reusing Plastic Bottles?
1 2 3
Science of Smell

Friday, February 8, 2008

Biology (Plant Life Systems)

Each person will be responsible for completing the following and posting the information either in their personal wiki or on a linked page within the class wiki:
1) Draw a picture (either in Paint,Photoshop or on paper and scan) of photosynthesis occuring in a chloroplast. Include oxygen, carbon dioxide,glucose,water,and light. Under your diagram write one paragraph on what would occur to a plants homeostasis if their was a drought.
2)Either a)Draw your own picture of plant transport (xylem & phloem) or b)take a picture of something that represents plant transport and explain it
3)A one paragraph summary of an article written about plant reproduction (include link to actual article). Helpful links include: Discovery,ScienceDaily,Nature,SciAmerica,NationalGeographic
4)Either a)create a podcast (Read first "comment")discussing how auxins and tropisms and stomates/stomata are part of plant regulation or b)create a song/poem/rap discussing how tropisms (and auxins) and stomates/stomata are part of plant regulation

Monday, February 4, 2008

Biology (Lower Organisms)

You will choose one of a list of lower organisms and will be required to research and post the following information:
1) Explain how your organism performs any 4 of the life systems
2) Choose 1 of the life systems and explain how it is similar to the way humans perform the same life system
3)At least one photo of your organisms
4) Additional (interesting) information
After researching the information above, you will be required to post it on its own page either in the class wiki (Period 3, Period 5)or create a link from the class wiki to your own personal wiki.
Once all information is posted, you will visit and read about other organisms and "ask" a question (under the discussion tab) to the researcher. These questions should then be answered by the researcher.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Ex Phys MMedia (Body Systems)

A) Skeletal, muscular, neural (group of 3)
B) Respiratory, pulmonary, hormonal, neural (group of 4)
Each group will produce an in depth video news report/documentary that relates their topics to an aspect of exercise. More specifically, each group must choose one (or a few) of the different exercise aspects below:
·Specific to training for a specific sport,·Space flight,·Underwater diving/chamber,·Training at altitude,Obesity (childhood or adult),·A diabetic (or other disease/malfunction) training,·Rehabilitation after complete muscle atrophy,·Increase in environmental temperature,·Asthma,·Ultra-endurance,·Someone taking anabolic steroids &/or Human Growth Hormone (HGH),·Other (must be approved by instructor)
Content (vocabulary and concepts) that must be included is on the attached sheet. News reports must be between 5-15 minutes in length. Each group will put together their report in Adobe Premier. Each video/news report must have the following criteria:
·At least 6 video clips of you reporting throughout the report (two or three per person in the group),·At least one video clip of you interviewing someone else (someone else may pretend to be a “professional”),·At least one self-created labeled diagram/picture that you narrate over and explain,·At least 3 video clips of demonstration/sports/activity that relates to the specific concept(s),·At least 1 musical component,·At least one summary/report/reference to a study that was published between 2005-present,·Incorporation of the “green screen”
The entire class will then put together a full-length DVD that contains each of the group’s reports. Your target audience may that of a sports team, advanced biology class, CNN or NPR science report, physical therapy office, or other.