Sunday, February 11, 2007


Development Project: You will be assigned one of the topics below and are required to research and report your findings to the class. Your final product is up to you, however whatever you choose, you still must teach the class. Possible products include, but are not limited to: movie, webpage, brochure, poster, book of cartoons, children's book, etc. A rubric will be provided for grading purposes. The instructor is NOT telling you what you MUST include but rather YOU are responsible for determining the most important information. I am setting the standards very high and am expecting high-level products; set your own standards high and be proud of completing an upper-level product!

  1. Tubal ligation & vasectomy
  2. Reproductive technologies
  3. Ultrasound
  4. Substance abuse during pregnancy
  5. Career: Genetic counselor
  6. Placenta/umbilical cord
  7. Amniocentesis
  8. Infertility (male & female,causes & treatments)
  9. Zero Population Growth (ZPG, countries & measures)
  10. Twins/multiple births (fraternal, identical, conjoined, etc.)
  11. Premature births
  12. Kleinfelter syndrome
  13. Gardasil, cervical-cancer, 6th-grader, and Texas
  14. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  15. Androgens
  16. "Inside the Womb" article from TIME
  17. Birth defects associated with premature births
  18. Diseases passed onto offspring (including HIV)
  19. Fetal surgery (ex.: for spina bifida)
  20. Birth
  21. Your choice

Due Date: Wednesday Feb. 28th

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HeYY CeRny i wAnT 2 dO #10 tWINS!!!