Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ex Phys MMedia

The decision to eat…and stop

Your assignment will be to produce a product that diagrams and explains the following steps. Evolution has programmed us to eat as much as we can, whenever we can (ancient humans never knew when they were going to have dinner again. It was best to gorge when they could). Breaking that cycle means thwarting overlapping systems that try to keep you fat. If we are to make a difference in reversing the trend of obesity and continue the trend in fitness, we must understand the major players involved in your appetite. Each step below represents the “key players”
1. I’m hungry: pangs
2. Looks good: senses (time, sight, smell, temperature)
3. Eat: ghrelin
4. Function: purpose/function those foods have
5. Slow down: stretching
6. Stop: cholecystokinin (CCK)
7. Stop!!! PYY and GLP-1
8. Use or store? PPAR’s
9. I’ve had enough: leptin

Create a movie that shows these steps and embed in The Phizz or link to wiki or TeacherTube site

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