- Oxidation/reduction and their link with enzymes and coenzymes (NAD/NADH role in ATP production during anaerobic metabolism)
- Chemical and ventilatory buffers (clearing lactic acid & carbon dioxide)
- Condensation/dehydration synthesis reactions (in digestion and synthesis of carbohydrates/glucose <--> glycogen)
- Hypertonic and hypotonic solutions in relation to electrolytes (sodium and chloride function
- Passive and active transport across cellular membranes (% carbohydrate in drinks for absorption)
- Cellular respiration and the role chemical bonds play in ATP production (ATP-->ADP+P and ATP production in aerobic and anaerobic metabolism)
Your assignment is for each of you to choose one of the above and complete the following:
- Explain where the chemistry/biology topic above is demonstrated in an Ex.Phys. concept. Be specific and provide examples.
- Site and summarize/explain one professional scientific study that relates to the chemistry topic/EP topic above.
- Create and publish your information somewhere (wiki or blog)