Tuesday, January 2, 2007


Topic 14:Plant life functions: I will assign you to groups of 3 or 4 and each group will be assigned one of the plant life functions below. Your group is to create a magazine/newspaper that includes all of the key concepts. You will publish your magazine in the wiki (click here for wiki). Groups will be assigned and each group will be assigned one of the following:

Nutrition:stoma,xylem,phloem,root,root hair,photosynthesis,chloroplast,guard cells
Respiration:oxygen,carbon dioxide,glucose,stomata,photosynthesis,sunlight
Transport:root,root hair,capillary action,xylem,phloem,vascular tissue,transpiration,photosynthesis
Regulation:tropism (include different types),auxin, hormones, photosynthesis
Reproduction:pollen,ovule,fertilization,stamen,pistil,fruit, photosynthesis
Excretion:stomata,leaves,oxygen,guard cells,water, photosynthesis

Grades are based on the following (rubric for each out of 4 points/requirement):

  1. At least 4 articles that you write which explain how plants perform the assigned life function being sure to include all of the key concepts (see comments link below for ideas)
  2. One article must report on a recent scientific finding/discovery that relates to the life function. A link to the article must appear at the end of your article. Check the RSS Feed for recent findings
  3. Pictures (at least 4) that are relevant to your articles
  4. One Podcast that you recorded yourself (for instructions, see posting above)
  5. The wiki page should look and "feel" like a real magazine/newspaper (please use your imagination and be CREATIVE!)

Note: group members will be required to confidentially provide the amount of work his/her group members did. This information will influence grades

DUE: Thursday, January 11th


Mr. Cerny said...

Ideas for magazine articles (your concepts/vocabulary would be worked into the article):
-Your concepts as they relate to a plant's role in global warming
-"How to grow a garden" as a how-to-do for someone starting a garden
-Explain why this area is a good place to grow corn and the midwest is a good place to grow wheat (or any other type of plant in any specific area)
-Relate a plants' life function to that of a humans or another/some lower organisms (if you choose lower organisms, post links to each one's wiki page)
-How plants allow human/animal survival (the cycle of gases)
-Make up a story about a giant carnivorous plant, or any other story (as long as you mention it is fictional)
-Pretend you are doing a book review of an article
-Make up a poem (if long enough, will count as an article-could even be read as a Podcast!)

Anonymous said...

A good idea is to make a how to article. Such as how to grow a plant and explain the functions as you go along.